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February 16th - Shavaune S.

Alright, y’all, as promised, we’re back! It’s been a while since I’ve done Woman of The Month. Thank you for your patience and continued support! This month, we have Shavaune Salazar, owner, and creator at Adore Urbanwear.

Let me preface by saying that I don’t remember how we connected, but when I started doing pop-ups, Shauvane played a huge part in letting me know whenever there was one coming up! Her brand isn’t just in the messaging of her brand; it’s who she is! It’s a pleasure the catch up with her, post-pandemic (depending on how you choose to see it), to see why she continues to do what she does. Enjoy!

EB: Tell the readers your name?

SS:  Shavaune

EB: What made you start your business? 

SS: After having my son in 2015, I slipped into postpartum depression.   I wanted to find a way to love myself again… I didn't feel loved or adored. I yearned for that. I used my brand as an outlet, plus I love street-style fashion.

EB: How long have you been in business?

SS: I started my business on February 26, 2015

EB: What makes your business different from others?

SS: My Designs are original and cater to self-love, women empowerment, and dopeness.

EB What kind of impact do you have/expect to have on your community?

SS: I expect my brand to empower other women to uplift and adore each other through fashion. There's enough room for every queen to shine!

EB: How has/was your business been affected by the pandemic?

SS: I have cut down on doing pop-up shops to limit exposure of the diseases. I’m blessed to be an online clothing store.

EB:  How do you practice self-care?

SS: I have lazy days where I do absolutely nothing. It's the peace for me! I also get manicures and pedicures. Get my hair done or wash it myself.

EB: What would you like people to know about your business?

SS: I would like people to know that without them, my business wouldn't exist. I am grateful for the women who adore my brand and keep pushing me to be a better business owner. Message? A Dope Urbanwear Brand that Queens ADORE is not only a brand but an idea that women can actually come together... no catty ish**  Xoxo


For more information on Shavaune and how you can support her brand. Check her out on IG @adore.urbanwear or on her website: adoreurbanwear.com

#ShavauneSalazar #BlackHerstory #BlackHistory #AdoreUrbanwear #Streetstyle #Queens #WomensEmpowerment #BlackFutures



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